Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Revamping and bringing the CIFP up to speed.

For the last couple of years I have had the CIFP up on the shelf as I spent time with my family and my teaching duties at SAIT.  Now that my boys are a little older I now have the chance to refocus my efforts on the CIFP.   I will be using this blog to announce Calgary events to my followers on Facebook, the CIFP meet up group and my mailing list.  I think this will be the best way to track how I am reaching people as well as keeping the e-mail sweet and short.  If you are like me when you get these long e-mail newsletters you tend to gloss over them and might miss some information.  By informing these and other communities that a new blog post is up and inviting you to read it keeps things to the point.  If you are having or know of an event in the Calgary event please e-mail me at .  On that note I will keep it short and share the following event.